This is the presentation (QuickTime movie) that accompanies the paper
Sebastian Kempgen: "Why OT? A Note on the Development of a Cyrillic Letter" (Preslavska knižovna škola t. 10, Šumen 2008, 24-39)
Presented at the "IV Internationial 'Preslav Literary School' Symposium, Varna, Sept 21-23, 2007"
(Click on the slides to move forward; use left-arrow to move back)
Alternatively, you can use the pdf version of the presentation
"Leto" with rare instance of t-w to be read top-down, while usually read as preposition "ot" (bottom-up)
(Source: Inscription in the Church Bogorodica Perivlepta in Ohrid, photograph by the author)
© S. Kempgen 2008