OCS Keyboard Drivers for Mac OS X (Cyrillic and Glagolitic)
Keyboard Drivers: Below, you will find various keyboards for Mac OS X (macOS) that support all Old Church Slavonic characters, be it Cyrillic or Glagolitic.
The drivers come as .dmg files, i.e. images of volumes. Download them by clicking on the button, double-click them on your Mac and install the drivers. On the image file, there is also an Installation manual (a pdf file). In short: To install the drivers, move them to ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts/ on your hard drive and activate them using the "International" or "Language & Text" preference pane from "System Settings".
1. Keyboard Driver "Russian PC + OCS"
This driver is based on the Cyrillic keyboard driver "Russian PC" Apple supplies for the Mac as one of many options.
2. Other drivers to follow…
3. Fonts