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Kultur und Kulturgeschichte Rußlands: Quellen
Russia's Culture und Cultural History: Texts and Sources

Psalter (Russland, 1311), Psaltyr' 1311 g., Псалтырь 1311 года

Псалтырь 1311 года
An Old Church Slavonic manuscript said to be from 1311. Origin and current location unknown. This is a manuscript of simpler type. Besides some initials, there are no illustrations in it.

jpgs for all pages are available online, for example here. These jpgs have been enhanced (made lighter and much sharper) and a pdf has been created from these enhanced files.

You can download the full facsimile from the Kodeks server (click on the icon). Note the large file size (182 MB).

Sample text (electronically enhanced)

[Псалтирь. Кафизма восемнадцатая; Песнь степеней, 122 (Псалом 122)]

"К Тебе возведох очи мои, живущему на небеси. Се яко очи раб в руку господий своих, яко очи рабыни в руку госпожи своея, тако очи наши ко Господу Богу нашему, дондеже ущедрит ны."

Note the four nice sample of the so called "o očnoe" (the letter "o" with two dots in it), used in the word for "eyes", of course in dual (!) form. (Plural form has three or more dots, singular "oko" has one dot only.)

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