Kodeks - QuickTime Presentations, Electronic Editions, Facimiles, Offprints, PDF Files, Papers, Web Galleries, and Films
Note: The links lead to web pages from the Kodeks server. The same pages can be reached using the hierarchy of the regional approach or by the "Medieval" section. The present section serves as a convenient way to reach all such presentations directly and to present an overview of what's available.
Technical note: The presentations listed here are integrated into web pages. To use them, you need to have the QuickTime plug-in installed for use by your browser. The presentations do not require a separate player to be installed.
- OCS Sources | Quellen des AKSL (Important manuscripts and other objects bearing inscriptions)
- Codex Marianus, Death of John The Baptist (OCS text with grammatical annotations)
- San Clemente in Rome, Tomb of St. Cyril | Grab des Hl. Kyrill in Rom
- Povest' o Soloveckom vosstanii -- an Old Russian illuminated manuscript
- Russkaja Pravda -- an Old Russian manuscript from the Merilo Pravednoe sbornik, 14th century)
- Afanasij Niktin, Xoženie za tri morja (Voyage Beyond Three Seas / Reise über drei Meere), Troickij spisok
- Kiewer Blätter / Kiev Missale / Kiev folia -- a famous Old Church Slavonic glagoliticmanuscript (9-10th century)
- J. Vajs, Abecedarium Palaeoslovenicum in usum glagolitarum. Veglae 1909
- Aleksandr Nevskij Comic-- A Chrildren's Book from 1991