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Kultur und Kulturgeschichte Rußlands: Quellen
Russia's and Ukraine's Culture und Cultural History: Texts and Sources

Ostroger Bibel | Ostrog Bible | Острожская Библия (1580-1581)

Die Ostroger Bibel - die erste vollständige gedruckte (russische) Bibel in kirchenslawischer Sprache. Zur Bedeutung siehe Wikipedia (de, ru). Zum Drucker Ivan Fëdorov siehe hier.
The famous Ostrog Bible - background info; Wikipedia (en); made by the equally famous Moscow printer Ivan Fyodorov.
Illustrations above show first page (left), actual book, and title page.
The Ostrog Bible is available online in various editions and formats:
Typeset version by R. Turkonjak, L’viv 2006 (40 MB; pdf)
Djvu b/w version based on the facsimile published in 1988 in Moscow-Leningrad by Slovo-Arta. Note the large file size (116 MB). Ripped into parts here.

KODEKS > Russia | Facsimiles