Kodeks - The German Medieval Slavistics Server

Old Church Slavonic Keyboard Drivers - Cyrillic and Glagolitic

OCS Keyboard Drivers for Mac OS X (Cyrillic and Glagolitic)

Keyboard Drivers: Below, you will find various keyboards for Mac OS X (macOS) that support all Old Church Slavonic characters, be it Cyrillic or Glagolitic.

The drivers come as .dmg files, i.e. images of volumes. Download them by clicking on the button, double-click them on your Mac and install the drivers. On the image file, there is also an Installation manual (a pdf file). In short: To install the drivers, move them to ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts/ on your hard drive and activate them using the "International" or "Language & Text" preference pane from "System Settings".

1. Keyboard Driver "Russian PC + OCS"

This driver is based on the Cyrillic keyboard driver "Russian PC" Apple supplies for the Mac as one of many options.

2. Other drivers to follow…

3. Fonts

OCS Font pages on the Kodeks server:

RomanCyrillic Std, Kliment Std, Bukyvede, Method Std.

KODEKS > Medieval Sections > Slavic Scripts & Fonts